Thursday, July 9, 2009

Response to Nick's Q

Q: What kind of documentary would you prefer to make? Do you think more can be achieved with a documentary than with the simple presentation of facts? Why or why not?

A: I would love to cover live footage of lifestyles in third world countries for a TV news station or do some personal filming to make into a documentary. It's not all that easy trying to give a fresh look at an issue like poverty or warfare because of the overuse of images portraying malnourished children in Africa or babies with missing limbs. Movies such as Schindler's List (covering footage from the Holocaust) presents the facts in the form of a documentary (Jews are being incinerated & burned alive in concentration camps), and the visual provides a poignant effect. A documentary serves as a vehicle that processes reality. A documentary is most effective when it takes an emotional approach that helps the viewers connect with the story, whereas a Powerpoint presentation, for example, remains as flat and dull as the screen it shows up on.

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